thread I have been enstabbed.
Covid in one arm, flu in the other. If I don't make tomorrow won't someone think of frogs trapped in car doors this one last time.
permalink Mrs T got this last Saturday.
For some reason both in the same arm. Aside from a dead arm for a couple of days she was fine.
permalink I changed it up,
I got tetanus with flu a few weeks ago, and COVID this week*

*All vaccinations, for the comedians
thread Off to Spain for a cheeky weekend this evening.
The Spaniard has to be in Guadalajara early next week, so I’m tagging along for the weekend.

Should be pleasant. Not scorchio.
permalink Delightful not been to spain in ages, i'm due a trip in the new year.
Speaking of which, I'm off to Berlin for work for the first time in 7 years...Any of the Berlinners around, can anyone recommend somewhere to eat near Hackescher Markt / Alexanderplatz?

My tastes are simple Pork, Potatoes and Beer... preferably served by someone with a fullsome moustache.
permalink It's very touristy around there,
as you might expect, but if you're looking for traditional "German" style foods like Schnitzel/Pork Knuckle/etc, there's a few options which are ok...
Near Hackescher Markt: 1840 Restaurant, Brauhaus Lemke, Weihenstephaner
Near Alexanderplatz: Zur Letzten Instanz, Zum Nussbaum, Hofbräu Wirtshaus (very touristy but the food's ok)

Of those, I'd recommend Zur Letzen Instanz mostly. If you're willing to go a bit further, Erdinger am Gendarmenmarkt is pretty nice and only four U-Bahn stops away.
permalink excellent work, nicely ordered and organised response.. it's like a national sterotype!
I've no idea if i'll get a chance to escape the client but i want to have my options lined up... and half a chance of a swine haxe is all i need.
permalink I'm staying right next to the 1840
So i might get the german cliches out of the way on day one and hope and pray they leave me alone on day 2 to try the zur litzen on erginger one.
permalink Or a massive bust and a no-messing disposition?
Possibly moustache too.
permalink long blonde braids
and steins balanced delicately on each... hand
permalink I'll just add that half the planet seems to be in spain this week
permalink I hope not!
Sounds a bit crowded.
permalink If it helps,
I'm not there.

Though I wish I was. Having said that, I was sat outside in the sun for lunch yesterday and it was Bloody Warm(tm)
permalink We are in full spring mode
So can be bloody lovely during the day (up to about 20°), but also we had frost yesterday morning
permalink I actually had to google
the Guadalajara in Spain, as the one I'm more familiar with is the one in Mexico. Not that I've been to either

thread quiet round here innit
my week/weekend has freed right up. I was supposed to be doing a glass blowing course yesterday then a football match on Saturday. Both, alas, postponed (I assume for different reaasons). What are you plans for the weekend?

Additionally, I appreciate cricket is of minority interest round here, but it's all going down in Multan lads.
permalink It’s my friends birthday
So the herd that is my family is going for lunch with them. Pizza at a fancy hipster place.

Sunday if the weather holds I’ll take the children out to a Halloween pumpkin patch / maze.

My main aim is to spend at least an hour 1:1 which each small person
permalink Then I recommend you stop breeding.
permalink I have the same
Number of children as you
permalink And I have
stopped breeding.
permalink So you practice what you preach?
permalink It's our 10th wedding anniversary tomorrow
so we're doing a pub crawl on Saturday, starting where we got married and ending where we had the reception.
permalink woot!
Congrats :D
permalink Blimey, ten years already!
permalink We will be joining you.
Probably not from the very beginning though.
permalink Why on earth did you get married in Hampstead?
Also, see you at some point along the crawl. Unlikely to be until pub #3 at least, I reckon.
permalink Why not?
Cool. I'd better turn on the ringer on my phone.
permalink Well, wrong side of the Heath, if you ask me
Cool - yes, please do! Though not needed til tomorrow.
permalink I'm heading up north
to see the mighty CARDIACS with, amazingly, William D. Drake (ex keyboards for Cardiacs) in support. As an additional bonus I'll be attending with the lovely Mrs Witchy, who's fortunately met most of these idiots before.
permalink I'm currently full of manflu, which is a tad annoying
as there were clear skies and aurora last night and I didn't go anywhere with clear skies because of the lurgy.

Not sure what the weekend brings but there will be some kind of birthday shenanigans.
permalink Is it deadly manflu
Or Covid?
permalink Deadly manflu I think,
doesn't feel very covidy. It's making me feel rubbish without actually being stopping me doing much. Other than venturing out in the middle of the night to stand in a cold field.
permalink Are you feeling better now?
. Did you get any aurora viewing in the end?
permalink I spent saturday in bed and didn't do much yesterday
and I'm still a bit rough this morning.

Bored of it now to be honest. Something's gone wrong at work and I could do with a bit more brain power to see what's happened.
permalink and no, I didn't see the aurora.
A couple of the photos I took look a bit red in places but my ukrainians took phone photos which clearly show the aurora
permalink I saw it in my garden.
It was purplish with a hint of green.
permalink Is standard procedure not still to take a test
if you have a shitty cold that could be the 'rona

Or has that all gone to the dogs in Blighty?
permalink the prevailing logic as I see it
is that if you test and it's positive, that means you have to change your plans and avoid giving it to other people, whereas if you avoid testing and just call it 'the cold that's going round' then you can carry on your merry way light of conscience

actually had a proper argument with my mum last week about this, she was coming to visit when complaining about having a bad cold and constant cough and losing her voice. I refused to let her come without testing negative, and guess what, it turns out the 'cold' that's been carving a swathe through the whole village for weeks is covid and now I'm the party pooper who has ruined things and killed off their blissful denial
permalink Yeah, that's kinda what I thought
Sad, innit?
permalink I've been testing
when I go to see my parents as I don't want to kill them, their carers aren't though because they don't have to and they'd have to pay for the tests.
permalink You have to actually buy the tests.
permalink Are they really expensive there, like in America?
You can still get them for about €1.50 here in Germany.
permalink they're only a couple of quid
You can get them in chemists and big supermarkets I believe.
permalink Yup not free any more here
Although we always tended to buy a load in bulk anyway, they're only a couple of dollars each
permalink Don't know, not looked.
It's not the principle, it's the faff and the knowledge that nobody else round here is testing.
permalink When I felt shit a few weeks ago,
I thought, “hmmm. This is a familiar list of symptoms…”, went home early, dug out a test, and sure enough it was positive straight away.

I don’t think many people are testing routinely but if you think you might have it, surely you test so you can protect others and justify a couple of days off?
permalink having had long(ish) covid before
I'd also want to know on a purely selfish basis so I know to chug vitamin D and get proper rest, rather than powering through as with a cold
permalink Absolutely.
That’s what the days off are for.
permalink It’s basically if you don’t test
Then you’re not positive. Which is insane
permalink People being cunts
as per usual then
permalink I’m following in the footsteps of jammers
and taking part in a Christian hackathon in London. And, like jammers, I have a cold.
permalink Very cool.
Have you had a look at the projects?
permalink Yah.
I’m cheating really because I’m already attached to a project.
permalink which one?
permalink -
permalink Brilliant, go well!
We get ESL / non-English speakers at our church sometimes and we struggle to make anything understandable for them.
permalink The app already exists and works well and is very affordable.
At the moment onboarding is manual but we hope it will be self serve after this weekend.
permalink Cool.
So how was it?
permalink Yeh it was good fun. I'll probably go next year.
We 'won' too, so that's always good.
permalink Well done.
Did you get the help you wanted out of it?
permalink Slightly related,
I need an audio file in Setswana to be translated and transcribed in English by Monday for the Home Office. Any ideas?
permalink Given the recipient
I suspect you need the accuracy of a human. I would imagine the NHS has such a service on contract.
permalink It's not for me,
it's for mrsjam. Hence me asking here.
permalink Is this a Roman thing?
Where you go to a Colosseum and hack christians to bits?
permalink I’d just left the house on the bike to go to work one day last week…
When I suddenly had a completely flat back tyre. I’d only got a hundred yards, so I wheeled it home and got the bus.

This morning was the first chance I’ve had to deal with it in daylight.

Two inch sewing needle through the tyre. What the fuck was that doing on the road?

Anyway… new tube in and I’ve just been for a cracking 35km ride in the sun. Gorgeous day.
permalink Am in a train to a week in an a-frame
in the Volcanic Eifel with my boy.
Next stop breakfast at McD in Dortmund. Then two more trains and two more busses.
I'm going here: https://www.strotzbüschermü

I hope the fancy umlauts in the URL work for you, that's all they have.
permalink they should call them ürls and be done with it
I wondered about accents in URLs and now I have learned about the existence of punycode, so that's nice.

pre-umlauted URL, this way
permalink Thanks for fixing it.
permalink Here was me thinking URLs could be Unicode
permalink As I understand it
they can be, but not all devices or software necessarily understand all of Unicode, nor do they need to because there's only a strict subset of it that's applicable, and Punycode allows devices or code with only basic ASCII comprehension to stay in the game. it's a neat trick
permalink Hang on, all devices or software don't necessarily understand all of Unicode?
In 2024? FFS!
permalink come on now
you work in academia, you know bloody well how old hardware and software can be in some departments! there's plenty of tech out there that's not brand spanking new but still needs to talk to stuff from this millennium
permalink Morning
It has been quiet, but then of course, I don't check for a couple of days and it's posts up the wazoo!

A week with too many people dying has been followed by a week with too many people having major operations

Oh and I actually got to travel for work, rather than Mrs C, although it was only to Auckland. Although she also arrived in AKL shortly before I left
permalink I, a tall lanky bearded 40-something bloke with a bit of a beer belly
went to try out my local hill running club yesterday

got there and it's 15 tall lanky bearded 40-something blokes with a bit of a beer belly
permalink Ha! This does sound familiar
Although I wish I was still 40-something

Having successfully managed to run 42 km a few weeks ago, I have been lazy as fuck, and really do need to get out running again
permalink did my first 50k ultra a few weeks back
although it ended up being about 55k due to tracker shenanigans

not much running was involved, though, as the terrain was a lot rougher than I was expecting

hence joining said club, to get in a state such that the next one will be more running. There's some great events around Scotland I'd like to do but definitely need to be in good shape for them
permalink There is a young woman on my train
absentmindedly fellating a highlighter pen.

She is really going for it, and clearly unaware of what she is doing. I was almost tempted to alert her.
permalink you dirty old man
permalink She is far too young for me to be interested.
It was entirely absent minded - I think she would be horrified if she knew, but it was also unmistakable.

The tongue-work in particular was entirely unmistakeable.
permalink Be sure to share
the highlights with us
thread Been on holiday in Greece
Which was nice. A bonus was getting bumped up to Club Europe for the flight home. Brought down rather by arriving at Gatwick to fucked trains, so rather than a seat on a direct train to Cambridge I'm on the floor in the vestibule of a train to London Victoria
permalink Every rail line
is broken, Dave. All broken. They're dead Dave.

To get to the Toon next week was going to take 6-7 hours, half of that time spent on a bus. So I'm driving. My car, obvs, not the bus.
permalink my wife's gone to Norwich to see some friends
It's what, an hour's drive? But she's been good and got the train. She had a choice of an hour sitting at Cambridge then changing at Stowmarket wherever the fuck that is, or a rail replacement bus, over 2 hours journey. Although she's found a self service wine bar so train was still a better option.
permalink A self service wine bar?
permalink apparently so
permalink Ah you have to load a card at the bar.
I was wondering how they dealt with underage drinkers (other than it being a wine bar)
permalink At least that takes
some of the angst off it.

Don't get me wrong, I accept that lines need maintenance. But this seems to be ALL lines all at the same time. Much like all roads around Liliput appear to be shut most of the time too.
permalink Is that not to stop
the Lilliputians from escaping?
permalink Yes, and now they've
started burning our takeaways.

It doesn't help, of course, that the roads round here are built on soggy dust. They build them and people come, then they sink into the fens a year later and become absolute car wreckers. I drove an old way home recently and the road was so bad it nearly smashed my sump. The back way to Prickwillow (stop that) has been closed since the beginning of Sept, and now they've closed the A10 to Lynn.
permalink Sump!
There it is
permalink went to the North norfolk Railway with friends
yesterday (Sunday).

got disrupted there too, the visiting class 26 broke down
thread We now return for another episode of "Could everyone please stop dying?"
Had a great weekend in Rotorua drinking beer and running around a lake. Upset initially by one of my best friends who was with us getting a call on Thurs night to say her brother had just dropped dead after a seizure.

Then I get into work yesterday, to find the wife of a close cow orker had just dropped dead from an aneurism.

Fuck's sake!
permalink Fuck :(
permalink Oh, and I can't stress this enough,
mate. What a shitter, hugs to all!
permalink Fucks' sake
permalink Thanks all. Bit of a headfuck
One of these happening out of the blue is freaky enough, but two in five days. Jebus
permalink This is indeed shit, so sorry to hear it.
A friend had a mild aneurism last Friday (20th), seemed to be okay according to the nuerosurgeon on Saturday, had surgery in the afternoon which went to shit, had a massive stroke and died on Monday afternoon.

Also, my mother went to the GP with one complaint, got called back to check something else and is now lined up for surgery in the next week or so and none of us are entirely sure what for - more clarity should be available after her pre-op appt tomorrow which my sister is going along to as well. But gah... keeping everything crossed.
permalink Fuckity fuck
This sort of thing absolutely shouldn't be allowed.
permalink Couldn't agree
permalink Thirded
Enough of this shite!
permalink Fourthed.
This sort of thing can properly GTF. Hope all's well, Ems x
permalink Fifthed, obvs.
permalink bloody hell
there's really no need for that
permalink Yeah
permalink we've just discovered our child
has a stash of chocolate in a drawer in her bedroom. I appreciate the Molesworth boarding school hi-jinx of it, I'm just a bit disappointed she was caught so easily.
permalink the good news is
I now have access to confiscated Rolos
permalink Cracking Peel
session etc.
permalink pfft
I believe they've unexpectedly reformed, and are in session for Riley & Coe in November
permalink Why not
pilfer said stash and deny knowledge?
permalink I will next time
Have you seen my Rolos?
Which Rolos?
permalink or a protection racket
every third Rolo as a sweetener to not tell mum
permalink These are nice Rolos...
wouldn't want anything to "happen" to them.
permalink My kids are bunking off school today
as we're off to the isle of wight for a long weekend. We're somewhere near Southampton staying with family, catching a ferry at lunch time.
permalink Uh oh.
That’s where I am.
permalink Portsmouth or the island?
permalink Southampton
permalink I'm in Bishopstoke next to Eastleigh
for the next hour or so.
permalink Slightly too far for me
and I saw this too late. Sorry.
permalink I'm in a hotel in Sandown. It's lovely and feels oldschool -
rambling corridors with a couple of steps every now and then for no apparent reason,, attentive staff, smells old. But the rooms are en suite, there's wifi, the food is good.

This morning there's a fantastic view out to sea.
permalink Strangely enough
I have relatives in Bishopstoke
permalink It's not great aunt Susan
and great uncle Mickey is it?
permalink No
Uncle* Derry and family

*actual first cousin once removed, but uncle makes more generational sense
permalink Fuck
Sorry for your losses. Are you doing alright?
permalink Well, they're more losses of people who I know than directly mine
but it is a bit of a headfuck. I'm OK, but somewhat discombobulated
permalink I will be in London next weekend for reasons
And I will be on my own on Sunday morning. Can any locals recommend something interesting I could do?
permalink where are you staying?
staying in bed with a hangover seems like a solid option
permalink I'm in shoreditch
but unlike most of the country, London has working public transport so I should be able to get around.

I've been conditioned by my son and dog to wake up at 6am everyday so the bed/hangover won't be an option.
permalink If you are around on the friday
Joel Vietch's band is doing a reunion
permalink I'm not free
on the friday unfortunately :( It's just that sunday morning that I need to fill with something.