thread And just to compund pxy's recent anniversary
this morning BaceFook reminds me that it is Katie's birthday. Fucking hell, the last few years have been a bit shit, eh?
permalink they really have
permalink Tomorrow, aye.
Epic sadface. I hope you're kicking arse somewhere, Bees.
permalink I was going to say that it is tomorrow
and then remembered that you live in the fucking future.
permalink GMT+13 baby!
Well, at least until the clocks go back
permalink happy birthday bees
Wherever you might have ended up
permalink In the SAND!
I'm not helping much, am I dad?
thread Up to Scotland tonight, back to London Sunday night, office Monday, off to Hong Kong Tuesday
I thought HK was going to be a 4 days there.

It ends up being 9. Plus the flying.

It’s like the old days.
permalink I do like HK
there is an off chance i'll be doing a china trip in the next year.
permalink HK is always fun.
Mainland China is fucking hard work.
permalink this place won't keep me logged in
I have deleted everything and all that.
permalink try explicitly logging out
then deleting all cookies, doing a ctrl+F5, then logging in again

I think a few of us had this problem a little while back but can't remember how exactly we solved it, seems to be certain browsers have conniptions
permalink this is on my phone
It's not a major problem unless people start posting loads
permalink LOADS
permalink posting huge loads you say?
just spurting them?
permalink you could try using a jiffy bag I suppose
I imagine a normal envelope wouldn't really work in the postal system
permalink I believe “spaffing” may be the word you’re looking for.
Possibly “up the wall”.
permalink still
could be worse, those astronauts went up to the ISS for eight days and only got back home eight months later
permalink Everyone should've
worn monkey masks for when they got out.
permalink Fair point .
I’ve got it easy.
permalink In other news…
I see it’s five years today since we lost Nik…
permalink I don't like this.
permalink it's been a weird 5 years
permalink Indeed
I thought it was about now, and saw Edwina post on Insta

Fucking hell. Still miss that old bastard.
permalink I got a £100 prepay card for switching broadband
so I've got myself stalker 2, RoboCop rogue city, and have pre-ordered atomfall

Just need to find the time to actually play them now.
permalink good thing
you weren't planning on using Heathrow today
permalink Yeah. Thankfully I flew out on Tuesday
And I’m not back until Friday, by which time things should be back to normal!
permalink Did we all forget Alistair's birthday?
permalink Amy remembered
which was lucky... as she was buying the cake
permalink H-Al-py birthday!
permalink Well, in that case,
we all chose her as our representative, and it is from all of us.
permalink Yes.
permalink apparently so. happy birthday Alistair
It's my birthday now
permalink happy birthday to you
permalink Happy birthday new_matt
If that is even your real name
permalink I remember a new_matt
but that was 20+ years ago, this must be old_matt

happy birthday! oh that means mine's coming up
permalink and happy birthday to COVID
lockdowns as well
permalink Matty birthday!
clinking-glasses emoji
permalink Thanks and Happy Birthday!
thread I've been in London for weekend
to see my favourite band repeatedly- Sunday at the 100 Club especially was an astonishingly good gig.

I do seem to have rather upsettingly picked up the novel coronavirus, though so far it's just hitting me like a bad cold (I've had it worse before)
permalink is the 100 club still laid out oddly?
Like landscape instead of portrait? And well done celebrating the 5-year COVID revival, hope you feel better soon.
permalink it is!
they'll never fix it, because History. There's also three large pillars about 1m from the stage. And the stage is shin height. Objectively it should be a terrible venue It's fucking great
permalink I tried to reply
but got a weird 403 error, let's see what happens

[edit] ok, it works now, I was going to say 'yes, it's nice to be able to see the whites of the bands' eyes. less nice for them though I imagine'.

Then I got distracted and started virtually wandering round Soho. There's a French restaurant on Dean Street I went to loads 20-odd years ago that is amazingly still there. The duck breast with dauphinoise potatoes was top notch in 2001.
permalink It's probably gone off by now though
permalink oh i passed that
and thought it looked interesting. Had pre-show beers in the Nellie Dean (and pizza from the place across the road because the pub kitchen had a lack-of-staff issue)
permalink I think that used to be the place they did Popbitch pub quizzes back in the day
Haven't been to Soho for years
permalink I shaved my sack recently. Twas easier than I expected.
I finally got round to booking a vasectomy and the instructions say I have to be freshly shawn, so I thought I'd better practice.

The reason I mention it is because it reminded me of pxy, oddly enough.
permalink I cut my balls twice, the first time with a cut throat razor.
Video with no testicles visible
permalink Also, I want to let you know that I regretted my vasectomy for about a decade.
I mention this as it is not a common position, but you should consider it.

permalink My youngest is 6 1/2, it's not a glib decision.
permalink Nor was mine.
I thought I had it all sorted out.
permalink On the "can't have any more kids" theme
or something different?
permalink Vale pxy, obviously
But unfortunately, this is making me think more of Webclam
permalink he's been on my mind
'cause I did a "5 years ago" reminiscence thing on the socials. next week is 5 years of him and zinc stoat both going the same day
permalink Kinell.
permalink 'kinell
doesn't even start to cover it :-(
permalink She was ill but he really did not have any business dying.
It was bollocks.

It is bollocks.
permalink yup
big sweaty ones
permalink To be clear, I am not saying she had business dying,
but we understood comorbidities, but Pxy was just a healthy middle-aged man and it hit hard.

I lost another friend about 2 weeks later. It is why I get so angry with the anti-vax shitheels.
permalink yeah
I don't think it was ever established that 'vid was even involved in her going, she was much sicker than anyone had realised until about a week before and it was the shittiest timing imaginable
permalink this
is something of an official recap
permalink I hope you've gone through the crowd scenes
frame by frame to find yourself.
thread You don't use the word "sheriffdom" very often.
In Scotland you have to list the relevant sheriffdom when applying for probate.

What silly words did you use recently.
permalink my degree is introducing me to a lot of ridiculousness
"medallionise my data lake" is my household's current euphemism of choice for taking a dump
permalink I find myself saying things like 'A bit tachy' or 'pyrexic' a lot
and honestly 'Heart beat's a bit fast' or 'has a temperature' would be absolutely fine.
permalink I guess technically even dead people 'have a temperature'
permalink Everything above
Absolute zero does
permalink And, indeed,
at absolute zero.

Zero is a valid degree of heat.
permalink as, technically,
are negative temperatures Kelvin, due to the way temperature is defined

basically, pew pew lasers
permalink negative Kelvin?
fucking physicists making stuff up again
permalink the only negative kelvin I'm aware of
is the JJ Abrams Trek movies
permalink Or MacKenzie.
The cunt.
permalink according to a dept meeting on EDI issues today
there are two genders in our department:
male and non-male

points for trying, I guess
permalink technically accurate
more accurate than most anyway!
permalink How’s it all going?
Probate is a bit different in Scotland.
permalink Not too bad all things considered
I need to figure out how we treat a trust thing they set up for their house a few years ago.. and then fill in some forms.

We've tracked down all the vital bits.
permalink It was fun to use the word 'absquatulate' recently,
and today I made up a word do describe what the orange manbaby's fans are all taking - stupidium.
permalink that's a good one
permalink stupidum surely
'cause they're allergic to that extra i :D
permalink Hehehe
permalink i do find myself using "outwith"
which I'm reliably informed is not in common use outwith Scotland
permalink I use it a lot too
And everyone who isn’t from Scotland finds it weird.
permalink Some of us spent enough time in Scotland
to realise it's one of the better words in the English language
permalink yeah I only fairly recently learned it's a Scottish thing
and now I use it at every conceivable opportunity

great word
permalink It gets used in lawyering
but otherwise, I agree.
permalink So Office365 is dropping Publisher
which is the only reason I use MS Office as only Publisher handles Publisher files.

Looks like I'll finally have to shift to Affinity.
permalink i've literally never heard of it
which seems odd.
permalink Office 365?
permalink MS publisher
permalink You've never heard of publisher?
It's desktop publishing and has felt like an unwanted child for a long time, it's development doesn't really match the rest of the office suite. It doesn't surprise me that MS are dropping it.

Only publisher will open publisher files though, so it's difficult to move away from once you start with it and because it's part of office some people latch on to it and stay with it.

I actually quite like it. Imagine Word but you could actually put stuff where you wanted and it'd stay there.
permalink yeah..i mean i must have tried it
but i'd always use powerpoint if you MUST have people on ms using it.
permalink you've got 18 months to find a replacement
According to this, there's at least three suggested replacements capable of opening .pub files, buried right at the bottom of the article of course. Scribus seems worth a punt, seeing as it won't cost you anything to try it
permalink Nice, I'll give it a go
permalink Nipples &1/2 nipples in the context of pipe ends
Flanges for vacuum components. Gussets on chambers and skirts etc.

Engineering is clearly populated by immature people.
permalink I don't know whether it's silly
But every weekend I say "cricket" a lot. Then because I am of a certain age and because that's what we did when I played, I find myself saying it in a terrible impression of the way Geoffrey Boycott used to say it. Cricket wicket.

And while Sunday morning nets does reduce my lie in/lazy Sunday breakfast opportunities, it does increase my sit-in-the-sun-at-the-farmshop opportunities.
permalink In Newcastle you can buy a pint of beer
That is 4.3% and £9.

I went for something else, but glad they warned me
permalink Which establishment was THAT in
so I know to avoid it. Wish I'd known you were in the Toon, I've been in Gateshead all weekend.
permalink the Broad Chare
I was in and out in a matter of hours for a meeting, which finished early enough to let me have lunch.

Their other pints were £4.80
permalink I was going to say "Pudding Chare is where it's at"
but then realised that hasn't been true for about 20 years, and so I went and had a look on google maps at the pub I spend a ridiculous amount of time in back in the day which closed down not long after I left and was just abandoned. Streetview is still of the abandoned pub but it turns out that it reopened in June and they got the old DJ back.
permalink It did. I walked past it just after it
had opened and it was a nice surprise. Didn't go in though.
permalink Oh that place,
aye, I've never been in because it calls itself a gastropub which can get in the river.
permalink it's very nice inside.
permalink So it should be
if weak ale is nearly a tenner :)
permalink Newcastle-upon-Tyne? ?
I remember when the price went up from 99p a pint to £1.09 and there was hell on because the drunks could only get nine pints for a tenner instead of ten.
permalink Racinf is going rather poorly for me.
I think I have won about 16p so far.
permalink I'd forgotten that was on
I will look I again tomorrow
thread Just attended a death
I really wish that there was a mechanism for alerting subsequent responders to the fact that I am there, as they always turn up and are confused.

Having turned up to a murder where someone had responded to a goodsam call, I would have been the same if I had not known the chap who was there.

Anyway, just feeling a bit meh and wanted you fuckers to talk at each other.

What is your favourite cheese, and also, which cheese wouild you least like to do without?
permalink For me it is probably Port Salut, which is not very imaginative
and then cheddar, which I suspect will feature a lot.
permalink Not having cheddar probably would be life changing,
even though it's not my favourite.

My favourite might be brillat severin. It's hard to say though.
permalink Is it not pronounced
exactly as it is written?
permalink No, because it's French.
I'm choosing to ignore your alleged joke.
permalink crikey, you lead a colourful life
I like the nettley business on a yarg, but I don't think not having access to any particular cheese would cause too many problems.
permalink I like havarti but I haven't had it for years
day to day, I would probably miss cheddar.

We have lost the TV remote, it is very irritating
permalink Chaource, love its chalky saltiness
life would be hard without cheddar, but manageable

xmas without stilton, however, is unthinkable
permalink I am allergic to mould in cheeses and breads.
I like white stilton, but it is not the same as blue.

And I know because I ate it once by mistake.
permalink Sorry about the dead people, that sucks
I would say my favourite cheese changes with the day.

Can't beat some nice grilled halloumi though
permalink You need a better whip
permalink why are there subsequent responders?
don't dispatch keep track of who's going where anymore?
permalink if he's working solo
and it wasn't clear from the call that the casualty is very much dead then there will be a full crew dispatched as well, and it's likely he won' have had the opportunity to radio in to say that:
A: he's there
B: ain't nobody resuscitating this guy

would be my understanding
permalink Fairly accurate.
But if I attend solo on a GoodSam call I can Role, but someone else needs to come and do the paperwork, because I am off duty.

I am also not licensed to declare someone dead, only to make a recognition of life extinct, so someone has to turn up and stick an ECG on the poor bugger.
permalink I can put the ECG on
but I do not have one in my jeans' pocket, and I cannot interpret it and declare death.
permalink I like crumbly white mild cheeses,
Wensleydale, Caerphilly, Lancashire. They all taste the same to me.
permalink My FIL now owned a house on my street
so we're spending lots* of money in charity shops on his behalf. About to raid the British heart Foundation furniture store.

*relatively speaking.
permalink Manchego
or something goaty.

I make much use of Halloumi, i would be sad without it
permalink My favourite cheese is Epoisse
And a cheese I have had only once called Pierre Robert. Oooh and a Boursault, Delice de Bourgogne and totes Brillat Saverin. Mmmmm cheese.

Probably would have a hard time without cheddar or a lump of good parmesan. They are both always in the fridge.

But also sorry about the shite day and general meh-ery.
permalink I was waiting for you to turn up
permalink Really dislike parmesan.
It is the anchovy of cheeses.
permalink I love anchovies
so there is that.
permalink I do not mind them pickled
but the salty fuckers can get in the sea.

Odd context for that.
permalink you're missing out
Tremendous oily salty little buggers, whizz one of them up in the tomato sauce for your pizza, or in your Bolognese sauce you'll never go back.
permalink I have eaten them.
I dislike the flavour.
permalink they're nature's MSG*
in that they bring out other flavours in a manner completely different to what they taste like on their own

see also celery

(*I fully acknowledge MSG is also naturally-occurring)
permalink referring back a bit
I mentioned starting reading The Expanse. I've enjoyed the first 4 books, 5th started to wear, and 6th has me stalling out. I get why US writers have had a lot of interest and success in terrorism plots since a certain event in 2001, but it's not something I feel like digging through any more. probably going to skip the rest of the books, might look ove the short stories that fit in with what I've read just for the fluff
permalink I managed to watch the first three seasons before the cutoff
and about one and a half episodes of season 4. I'll get back to it eventually but binging the first three was quite enough for now.
permalink from the descriptions in the book
and from talking to others, I know I'd not have enjoyed the show version, ticks too many of my "nope" boxes

I read the first two of the short stories last night, that was a refreshing change from the slog of the main book.
permalink I love most cheese
And anchovies.

And all the other good umami stuff.

Sorry … dropped off the Bo for a couple of days there, just as one of my favourite subjects came up.

Mmmm. Cheese.
permalink CHEESE!
permalink Do you like cheese?
Do you like peas?
permalink I understood that reference
if you, or anyone else are fan of the old computer games, "Thank Goodness You're Here" is a tremendous jaunt round a cartoon northern town, where they sell peans. Peans! Not quite peas, not quite beans, but something special in betweens.
permalink 'tis a champion game
I got all the way to the end credits thinking "that VA is doing a great Matt Berry impression" only to learn from the credits that it was actually him
permalink I appreciate I am old and youth slang is not for me
but apparently my daughter's Year 6 (11 year old) classes use the phrase "capiche?" in the style of a mafia don, when they're explaining things to their friends.

tsk. kids eh.
permalink .
Catatonia - I am the mob